"some of the most interesting people i know don't know what to do with their lives."

Friday, December 30, 2011


Destiny (noun)
a) something to which a person or thing is destined

Everyone has their own destiny.
Each path that you take is another bend in the road.
Another bend in a huge road.
And you can screw your destiny up,
by one bad choice.
One bad decision.
It could ruin your life.

You have to find your destiny.
Its just not standing there,
clear as day.
Its actually clear as mud.
You will have people that will fight you,
love you,
hurt you.
And sometimes,
we don't know these people are part of our destiny.

I am me.
I am:

And I will not change,
for any one person.
I will push them down,
and move on with my life.
You are one voice,
in 7 billion people.
I don't have to stick around for you.
There are 7 billion other fish in the sea.

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