"some of the most interesting people i know don't know what to do with their lives."

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Resolution (noun)
2. a resolve or determination

New years eve comes and goes, 
and what is on some people's minds?
"I want to lose       pounds."
"I want to start eating right."
"I want to work on bending and lead changes with my horse."

But what's in a resolution?
Is it for us to look good?
Show off what we have?

My resolution?
I don't have one.
Live life every day.
Take it one day at a time.
Let go of things,
don't get to uptight.

"Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
You build up hope but failure's all you've known
Remember all the sadness and frustration
And let it go
Let it go"

So this year,
don't make a resolution about weight,
but make it about letting go.
Of loved ones,
of grudges,
of people you aren't over.
Let go and trust me,
you'll life will be 100x happier.


Friday, December 30, 2011


Destiny (noun)
a) something to which a person or thing is destined

Everyone has their own destiny.
Each path that you take is another bend in the road.
Another bend in a huge road.
And you can screw your destiny up,
by one bad choice.
One bad decision.
It could ruin your life.

You have to find your destiny.
Its just not standing there,
clear as day.
Its actually clear as mud.
You will have people that will fight you,
love you,
hurt you.
And sometimes,
we don't know these people are part of our destiny.

I am me.
I am:

And I will not change,
for any one person.
I will push them down,
and move on with my life.
You are one voice,
in 7 billion people.
I don't have to stick around for you.
There are 7 billion other fish in the sea.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Soul (noun)
a : the moral and emotional nature of human beings
b : the quality that arouses emotion and sentiment
c : spiritual or moral force

Soul searching.
Everyone does it.
Some seek it more than others.
Some are stuck with a problem in their life,
and they have to go away for days,
And what they do in those hours?
Soul search.
Now, no one knows the place where we go to search.
Everyone has a different place.
For me?
Its the barn.

I don't know what it is,
but sitting on the back of a horse,
that's 1200 pounds heavier than you are,

This is my soul searching.

"Everyday I fight for
All my future somethings
A thousand little wars
I have to choose between
I could spend a lifetime
Earning things that I don't need
But, that's like chasing rainbows
And coming home empty"
-Strip Me (Natasha Bedingfield) sung by Gavin Mikhail

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Perfection (Noun)
The state or quality of being or becoming perfect.

Everyone strives for it.
Some people deny it,
others welcome it with open arms.
I'm the type of person who wants perfection.
And I get frustrated when I can't achieve it.
Like today, for example.
I gave up.
I threw in the towel.
I put my hands up in the air.
I went into that arena, and longed Ilean.
I couldn't take it anymore.
I got frustrated.
Now, many things contributed to that,
but the first one was perfection.
I wasn't perfect.
And it killed me.

But at the end of your ride,
when your horse is in the crossties,
you have to look them in the eye and say:
"Ilean (insert name here), you are perfect. Its just my fault."